Thursday, December 13, 2007

Catch up!

Well, in case you haven't noticed, Ryan and I haven't updated this thing in a while. Work, school, and holiday activities have kept us very busy. Ryan finished all his finals and projects for this semester successfully. This was his best semester so far at ASU for grades. And he past his National EMT practicals! So now he just has his written test to take and he'll be a certifed EMT! This is a huge accomplishment for him and I've never seen him study so hard for anything. Hopefully it will pay off with a fireman job sometime in the next year....we'll see. Ryan and I were both so sick this past weekend. All day Sunday we stayed in bed with fevers and aches. I, fortunately, was better by Monday. Ryan, however, got worse and worse. He finally went to the doctor on Tuesday and got some massive drugs. I didn't know that they even had medicine for the flu, but apparently they do. It's called Tamiflu and it seemed to work. He was so much better within 24 hours. I am just thankful that we had this before Christmas so we will be able to enjoy our holidays!

1 comment:

kevinkaytheriot said...

Ryan and Sarah,

I loved your announcement and am so very happy for you both!

Merry Christmas,
Kevin Theriot