Monday, March 24, 2008


The Easter bunny knew just what to bring me this year... a whole bag of Ghiradelli DARK chocolate : ) Ryan and I had our first guests since the roommates moved out and they stayed in our newly remodeled guest bedroom. After church and an Easter brunch of massive french toast smothered with fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, we took a little nap. (Hey, Sunday is the day of rest, right?) Then Ryan and I headed over to his mom's house to celebrate family style. We had lots of yummy food, including a coconut cake that I made for the first time. We were watching the Sound of Music intermittently throughout the night and I was shocked to look over and see Ryan and all of his brothers singing right along with me during the puppet song (or as we all know it, the "Yoda-lay-whoo" song) My mom remembers when I used to watch that scene over and over again. I probably wore out the VHS tape in that part!

1 comment:

Cody said...

I watched the sound of music this week too. I'll never get tired of that movie. I love the classics.