Well, after all the waiting and preparation he's finally here! Meet Ryan Beckem Moorefield. He was born on Sunday, April 26th at 6:03 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 7oz and was 19 inches long. My water broke that morning at 5:30 but I didn't have contractions. So at 10:30am they started me on pitocin (sp?) and I finally started into labor. At 5:20pm I was still only dilated to a 6, but then I went from a 6 to a 10 in 30 minutes! After 13 minutes of pushing, he came out! Can I just tell you how weird it was to hold him, knowing he was just inside of me? It was a little overwhelming and Ryan and I were both crying. What a special moment! Here he is at home doing his favorite thing... sleeping in his bassinet under the window soaking up some sun.
Congratulations guys!
Sarah! he is adorable! congratulations!
How did he end up so cute?!...J/K
I can't believe how small he is.
Congratulations! He's beautiful!
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